Intro illustration

A smart Chat client leveraging the power of Blockchain and AI.

In the times of COVID and our fast paced lives
going to a hospital always comes with its own risks attached.
It helps provide the end user with
Increasing financial confidence and providing financial guidance.

Patient | Vidco Chat App Doctor | Vidco Chat App
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Utilising Blockchain

Blockchain solves a number of problems,and we have leveraged it to make a easy to use client platform allowing for automated transactions along with managing fees and consultation charges.

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Security you can trust

Security, compliance, privacy, and transparency are the foundations of trust in computer security, but there are two more we follow: expectations and perception.

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Advancing in the age of the Digital Receipt.

As we continue to advance through the digital age, the solution to this problem has transitioned from paper to digital.

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Automating transactions

During a online telemedicine session,it is our focus that you indulge in interacting with the docter to solve your problems while not worring anything about fees,because we automate the process.

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Unique billing Mechanics

You are only billed,when the meeting is ended and with Blockchain,we bill based on the duration of the call and only transact.

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Payments using Blockchain

With Vidco,we try to solve a multitude of problems in the telemedicine industry and also introduce to a new revenue model using the power of Blockchain.

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Chatbot integration

Using Personalised Chatbot to help you keep track of all your finances and Manage Expences.

Digital Personal assistants provides with ability to seamlessly use all the features of the site and seamlessly interprets language commonly conversed in.

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Telemedicine at its Best

Automating fees and transactions with Blockchain

Ensure trust and build a reliable/effective service to on-demand connect to expert doctors.

Experts Say,

Telemedicine visits have made health care more available to people who live far away, or parents with children, or other people with scheduling problems or physical limitations.

A Small request,

To fully experience the app please consider downloading the Metamask Extension. Here are links for Chrome & Firefox Browsers.